Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What it is?

This blog will be a sort of periodical for my musings, outlooks, discoveries, etc. regarding fitness and all that it could possibly entail. As of now, I have no true "plan" which I will follow, but I'm sure it will mostly consist of my ever-developing thoughts on certain aspects of fitness (be it lifting, mobility, sleep, or whatever else comes up), and links to articles/videos where other fitness bloggers have said things far more eloquently than I could/would.

Currently, I am a strength and conditioning coach to High School athletes, a personal trainer to a few people, a non-competitive lifter (which sounds much better than "avid exerciser") and a competitive online fitness article reader. I am in the early stages (read: pre-requisites galore) of working towards a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

Now, I have never competed in any professional sports, never squatted 5x my bodyweight, never snatched 400lbs blindfolded, never run an ultra-marathon while pulling a Jeep, and never written a book about how to lose 200lbs of fat and gain 100lbs of muscle in 2 months without getting out of bed. However, I have spent time working on getting my average self in better shape, worked with ordinary High School athletes on their strength/speed/agility/etc., and have spent an almost inordinate amount of time reading and thinking about this stuff. So, if you squat school buses for fun, maybe you won't get anything out of this blog. But if you don't, maybe you will. No promises though.

Swole's the goal. 

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